Monday, March 28, 2011

If All Else Fails, There's Always Zucchini Bread!

Today, I don't really have a meal plan to publish, though as I write this, it seems my head thinks I have, maybe it's an unwritten habit already.

I added a list of chores to my son's homeschool to-do list.  He has a weekly list with five assignments in each subject on it, and he can choose to work ahead or get behind...but it ALL has to be done by Friday afternoon.  He's only 7, but I truly believe this is teaching him great time management, as there have been weeks when he's spent hours on Monday and Tuesday working through his assignments (of course, this means I have to be willing to answer questions and guide him through tough assignments, but isn't that what parenting is all about?), then only having short assignments on Wednesday and Thursday, and Friday off!  He planned it that way.  There are also days when he reads ahead in history or geography, BEFORE I wake up (and I get up at 8) just to have it out of the way, so he can play Legos.  Anyhow, I added chores to the list (five kind of big ones, besides his usual help mom pick up the floor).  This week's were:

  • Help Mom clean out the fridge (scrubbing shelves and such)
  • Take the sheets off your bed, wash and dry them, replace them (I usually do this, and I will help him)
  • Help Mom clean out the van (get it ready for our friends' visit!)
  • Decide what favorite meals you'd like to have prepared while friends are here
  • Vacuum bedroom (which requires putting those Legos away for awhile!!!)
 While cleaning out the fridge today, we discovered a handful of zucchinis we'd forgotten about, and they weren't in any shape to be steamed into a wonderful side-dish.  But they hadn't gone bad yet, either.  So, we made Zucchini bread.  Tonight, we had stir fry, and the girls weren't big fans of it (two lovely daughters who usually like veggies and steak, however, this momma put in fresh ginger...A LOT of it, and soooo).  They ate much of their dinner, but I'm happy to say that I was good and made a decent veggie filled, whole wheat zucchini bread that rivals all.  And...I'll give you the recipe tomorrow.  ;)

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